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Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, international shipping is available.

What shipping options are available?

Our standard shipping options are Aramex for international orders and other various carriers for the regional orders. All orders are shipped from
Singapore and you will receive an email with your tracking number once your order has been processed.

When will I get my order?

All orders that are in-stock will be processed within 1-2 working days.

For delivery within Singapore, it usually takes 1-3 working days.

For delivery to other countries, it may take up to 14 working days depending on the location.

Can I track my order?

A notification containing the tracking number and link will be sent to you via the email address provided once your order been processed.

Why is the tracking status not shown?

The tracking for all orders should work within 1 working day once the tracking number has been sent to you. If you are still having difficulties tracking
your order, kindly contact us at with your order number.

What if I’m not home during the delivery?

In the event you're not home during the delivery, the courier might give you a call and you can instruct him/her to leave the package somewhere
safe. Hence, do provide a correct contact number during the placement of your order.

Do note that ADVAGEN will not be responsible for any missing packages.

Import taxes

Note that international shipments may be subjected to local import taxes depending on your country’s regulations.

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