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4 Facts About Resistant Starch

Resistant starch is a type of starch that does not get degraded by the digestive enzymes and reaches the colon largely intact. Find out 4 facts about it and why they are so important.

Melatonin: How It Helps With Sleep And Insomnia

Melatonin is a hormone produced by our body to help us with sleep. Almost 1 in 3 adults suffer from some form of insomnia. How can melatonin help? Find out more in our article.

Gut Microbiota and Its Implications in Diabetes and Blood Sugar

Our gut microbiota is deeply involved in many body systems and functions, including diabetes and blood sugar control. Find out its role in affecting diabetes and blood sugar, and understand how prebiotics can help.

Importance of Pre- and Post-Natal Vitamins with Omega-3 Fish Oil

Pre- and post-natal vitamins with omega-3 fish oil are crucial for the health of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, as well as their child. Find out more about their benefits in our article.

Prebiotic: Gut Microbiota, Gut Health, and Beyond

Prebiotic offers many benefits by feeding the gut microbiota. Find out how it affects your gut health and beyond, including heart, lungs and immune health. Also, understand how prebiotics can complement your probiotic supplements.

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