Fibrosol Prebio is now ADVAGEN Prebio. New Name, Same Product

How it Works

ADVAGEN Prebio works by moving down the digestive tract and being resistant to changes while moving through the small intestine. It then gets fermented in the large intestine. Its water binding capacity draws water to the stools, softening them and making it easier to pass out.

Physiological Process



After being consumed, ADVAGEN Prebio moves down the digestive tract and does not get broken down in the small intestine.
When it reaches the colon (large intestines), due to its water binding capacity, it draws water in and causes softening of the stools.
At the same time in the colon, fermentation of ADVAGEN Prebio occurs and results in the production of Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs), gas and growth of healthy bacteria.
The release of SCFAs causes chemical stimulation of the peristaltic reflex and the contractions reduce intestinal transit time resulting in faster movements of bowels.
Fermentation of ADVAGEN Prebio also produces gas and healthy bacteria which increase the bowel content and fecal bulk. This in turn helps bowel movement.*